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Museum of Science, Tokyo University of Science / Personal computer

The Museum of Science, Tokyo University of Science was established in 1991. The building is a reconstruction of the original wooden building constructed in 1906 that housed the Tokyo College of Science. The permanent exhibit presents the history of computing devices including abacuses, calculators, and computers. (For more information, see the February 2013 issue of the PR magazine pla-topia.) http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/setubi/museum/

Personal computer

Personal computer
In addition to their ability to calculate, microprocessors also advanced into the areas of logic judgment functions and data storage and management functions. In 1976, Apple Computer debuted the AppleⅠas a kit and the following Apple II became a hit. These developments resulted in the term "personal computer" becoming recognized. Subsequently, various personal computers were debuted by various companies. Personal computers progressed at a remarkable pace until the iMac debuted with its colorful design that marked a sea change for the image of traditional personal computers. The five transparent body colors were made from polycarbonate.
The role of plastics in IT and telecommunications devices such as mobile PCs and smartphones that continue to transform will become increasingly important.