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Sony Archives / 1979

The Sony Archives communicates the spirit of the Sony Corporation, founded over 60 years ago as the Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation, and serves as a venue where visitors can learn about the history of the company by viewing how the company products have changed over time. (For more information, see the January 2011 issue of the PR magazine pla-topia.) http://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/CorporateInfo/History/Museum/

1979 The Walkman debuts!
The Walkman debuts!
The cue for the birth of the Walkman headphone stereo that came to dominate the world was the desire of Sony Chairman and music lover Masaru Ibuka for a "more compact piece of equipment." Through the combination of headphones, a cassette tape, and a stereo tape player with neither recording function nor speakers was born through unique product planning. Initially, the product did not sell at all well but once its appeal started to be recognized, sales exploded and the Walkman came to be loved by everyone in the world. The recording media itself subsequently progressed from the cassette tape to the CD, Minidisc, and then memory.
Paper tape
Phantom No. 1 unit
From urea resin to polystyrene
Market development by oneself
The marbled case; a pioneer of recycling