Top Page Grades List Physical Property Tables Grade Name Search Detailed Search Flowability Shrinkage Rate Search Various Physical Properties


You can do the following on the grade name search page: (Requires login)

A.  Search from here. For example, if you search by "M90", grades including M90 in name such as "M90-44" or "M90-48" will be listed. Since it is an OR search, if you input "M90 AW", grades including either M90 or AW in the name will be listed. You can display physical properties tables and comparison tables from search results.
B.  Use this button to email link of page.
C.  Switch languages. The same content as the page you are looking at is displayed.
D.  Move to the grade list page of the specified resin.
E.  Sort by classification and characteristics.
F.  Create a comparison table of up to 5 specified grades.
G.  Click to sort by brand.
H.  Display physical properties table for each grade and click "Grade" to sort by grades.
I.  See UL Yellow Card for each grade and link to UL site.